
The Quickening - Awaking As One

Have You Met Elenin?

Elenin, or as it is officially known, Comet C/2010 X1, is a non-periodic comet that is estimated to reach its perihelion with our Sun on September 10, 2011. The 19 magnitude (where a smaller integer indicates a higher level of brightness) comet follows a 9,900 years hyperbolic orbit around our sun. The size for Elenin has yet to be confirmed by NASA. Nevertheless, during perihelion, Elenin will be traveling at speeds in excess of 85,000 km/hr. and its approach will bring its magnitude down to 6, with the occasional 0 at selected locations during dawn. The U.S. Navy, through NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories, has prepared a trajectory diagram of Elenin on their site here.

C/2010 X1 (Elenin)

This page was created shortly after object discovery and not subsequently updated until now. Therefore the orbital parameters were preliminary, and subject to change. Those parameters did indeed change and the latest orbital elements have now been entered for this object and are current as of March 22, 2011.

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All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they... believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality... or 'the end of the world.

But what if those events were actually to take place THIS YEAR, in 2011?

In Awakening As One's new film "The Quickening" we will explain why so many people have been experiencing the sensation that "Time is Speeding Up"; particularly since the Earthquake in Japan.

And we will also show how research indicates that this accelerated experience of reality could peak sometime around October 28th, 2011; culminating in a global experience of Unity Consciousness, which would then lead to the experience of a harmonious new way of being.

"The Quickening" will also take a look at the unfolding of current events and how they directly relate to Hopi and Mayan Prophecies, indicating that we are on the Cusp of Great Changes, which signify the shifting of the Age... and the Birth of a New World.


We wish to acknowledge that without the work of these incredible filmmakers, and music producers it would not have been possible for Awakening As One to share its message of Peace and Unity with such beauty, heart and soul.

We invite you to support the filmmakers by visiting their webpages, and viewing their films. We extend our deepest gratitude and respect to the following films, and to all those who assisted in their creation.


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